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Pesach: Returning to Life (Ep. 168)

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Pesach: Returning to Life (Ep. 168) Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky

Why did Yetzias Mitzrayim happen specifically in the springtime?

🏆 This episode is sponsored by anonymously. May the z'chus of today's learning be a bracha for a smooth and complete refuah shelayma for Miriam Chaya bas Chanitah...with love from Ima and Aunt Bayla. Thank you Rabbi Orlofsky for enriching our lives each and every week!

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❓ Questions of the Week

📝 Submit your questions at https://rabbiorlofsky.com/qa

  1. "When the Rav was reminiscing about your trip to America, you spoke how you're telling us all of this because you miss us and you want to connect. However, the Rav is talking to a camera. How can you feel such a connection to something that you don't actually see, And to people you don't actually know? (Submitted by anonymous)

  2. "Is there a connection between Ha Lachma Anya, and Chad Gadya, since they are the only things in the Haggada that are in Aramaic? (Submitted by anonymous)

  3. "An egg is pareve. A chicken is fleishig. At what point does the change occur? (Submitted by anonymous)

  4. "Why do Chazal say in Sanhedrin 97a that Moshiach will only come with Hesech HaDa'as, when we give up waiting for him, when we Daven every day in Shemoneh Esrei that we await the Yeshua, and in Ani Maamin it says we wait for Moshiach to come any day? Thank you for doing this show, it is a highlight in our family's life! (Submitted by Yehuda Winzelberg)

  5. "Is it true Rabbi Orlofsky doesn't know his wife's favorite color? What is the best gift you ever got your wife? (Submitted by S Skier)

  6. "If the only reason why we laugh is because of the unexpected, then why do we sometimes laugh at our own jokes? (Submitted by anonymous)



[00:00] Intro

[00:16] A special thank you

[5:57] Dedication  https://rabbiorlofsky.com/sponsor 

[7:25] Pesach: Returning to Life

[27:50] Q&A: Aramaic in the Hagadah?

[32:54] Q&A: Eggs are parve/chicken is fleishig?

[36:47] Q&A: Moshiach coming b'hesech hadaas?

[42:18] Q&A: R' Orlofsky's wife's favorite color?

[45:06] Q&A: Laughing at out own jokes? 

[46:21] Outro

[47:11] Theme song


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"The Rabbi Orlofsky Show Theme"

Composed and Performed by Lenny Solomon

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